
Best british destroyer captain build for world of warships
Best british destroyer captain build for world of warships

This is what I would use on things like Halland, Shima, Somers, etc: However, there are some harder choices with the last few points, but I pretty much have 3 rough builds for randoms: The 1st skill isn't so much mandatory as it is the most useful skill for 1 point. So when 4 skills are completely standard for pretty much every DD I play, that's a diversity problem. I apologize for not posting the straight images, but the permissions for the privateer role on the forum are broken and is missing a lot of functionality.

best british destroyer captain build for world of warships

For nearly all of my builds, this is what I start with: There aren't tons of huge choices to make when it comes to DD's, especially with your first 10 points. I don't think that WG was successful in diversifying the skill tree though. So, we have moved in a positive direction for this on the DD skills. Of the 2, IFHE is the only one I have messed around with and don't really think its a very useful skill. We are down to only 2: IFHE and Swift in Silence. That being said, there are less tradeoff skills in the DD skill tree than there were at the change. The tradeoff of a skill should be that you take it instead of a different skill.

best british destroyer captain build for world of warships

If a skill is considered too strong on its own that it needs a tradeoff, then perhaps the main part of the skill should be better balanced and not as strong. So what are my thoughts on the DD skills as a result of 1 year of playing with them? I still hate tradeoff skills.

Best british destroyer captain build for world of warships